Ideal Blogger Template Documentation Full


You Can Install The Template In Two Ways:

  1. Uploading: Go to your dashboard > Template > Backup / Restore > Upload the .xml.
  2. Direct Uploading: By Copy And Paste.Just Copy Your Blogger Template By Opening It In Notepad Select The Whole Code And Paste It Into Template Editor.

1. Uploading Method

2. License Activation Method

Go to your Blogger Account - Your Blog & select Layout

Now In License Widget Click On Edit

And Enter Your Product Id And License Key At The Place Of Title And Content Input Field.

Customize Template

Top Area

Header Background

Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And Find ( CTRL + F ) This:-

Now Change It With Yours

Person Name

Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And Find ( CTRL + F ) This:- <!-- Headlines -->

Now Change It With Yours

Logo Setting:

Go to your Blogger Account - Your Blog & select Layout

Now In Header Widget Click On Edit

Upload Your Logo And Select "Instead of title and description" as the "Placement" option & Select Shrink To Fit.

  1. Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And Find ( CTRL + F ) This:- <!-- Top Nav -->
  2. Now Change The Text(If Needed Note: If You Change The #URL The Menu Will Stop Sliding To The Sections)


Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And One By One Find ( CTRL + F ) All This:-

  1. <!-- Avatar --> (Add Your Image URL)
  2. <!-- About Details --> (Add Your Name)
  3. <!-- About Bio --> (Add Your Bio)
  4. <!-- About Links --> (Add Your Other Links)
Web Design , Graphic Design , Education & Development

Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And One By One Find ( CTRL + F ) All This:-

  • <!-- Skills -->
  • <!-- Skills Progress --> (Chnage The Title (H6) And "data-value='X%'" For The Progress Bar)

  • Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML And One By One Find ( CTRL + F ) All This:-

    1. Find :- <!-- ====== What I Do ====== -->
      1. [In What I Do Section] Change The:-
      2. Icon
      3. Title(H6)
      4. Paragraph (< p >)
    2. Find :- <!-- ==== Resume Section ==== -->
      1. [In Resume Section] Change The:-
      2. Title (H2)
      3. Paragraph (< p >)
    3. Find :- <!-- ====== Clients ====== -->
      1. [In Clients Section] Change The:-
      2. Title (H2)
      3. Paragraph Only( < p > )
    4. <!-- ====== Hire ====== --> Change The Title (H3) And Link
    5. <!-- CONTACT --> (Note:- The Contact Form Work Automatically)
      1. [In CONTACT Section] Change The:-
      2. Find This :- <!-- CONTACT --> And Change Icon and Text


    Mobile Version

    To Use Responsive Design In Mobile Devices Than First You Need To Enable It.

    Note:The Responsive Menu Link Sub Menu Will Not Work(Open) In The Desktop If You Resize Your Window It Is Only Work On Mobile Devices.

    1. Go to -> Your Blog -> Template -> Now In Mobile Section Click On Gear Button As Shown In Given Below Image

    2. Click On "No. Show desktop template on mobile devices." And Than Click On Save.

    Change The Post Date Format:

    Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Settings -> Language and Formatting -> Formatting -> Timestamp Format -> Set It To Date Instead Of Time.
    Now Click On Save...

    All the above information hereby are provided by their respective owners/authors.TemplateClue